People who visit Disneyland without Children

Started by Aveen2008, June 27, 2008, 07:51:42 PM

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I am not sure if this is the right place to post a topic like this and I am sorry if it's not.

To all the people on this forum who visit Disneyland Paris without having or taking children I would like to ask you:

Do you ever feel other people with children tend to think that their children have more right to enjoy the Disney experience than you? Have you ever had parents push their children infront of you, even though you have been either waiting for a parade or trying to meet a character and where there first? :roll:

It interests me because I have found this many times. I don't begrudge children the right to have fun, Disney is for everyone but many parents seem to forget this.

Does anyone else find this true? :?

love Aveen xxx
Luv Aveen xoxo


Yes, sometimes it upsets me, coz I've paid a lot of money to be there too, I never complain when parents push their children infront of me at parades (it attracts the caracters :P ) but some people are just rude, Im only just out of my teans so I don't think I'm too old to be there without kid, but some people will just shove in front of you and stand infront of you, dispite the fact you've been saving your spot for an hour
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


I've had that too, usually I let the littler kids go in front of me though cos even though I've paid a lot of money to be there, I don't like them to be disappointed (the looks you see on some of their faces if they miss their favourite character can be heartbreaking)... However I did have one particularly bad experience while waiting for a photo with Eeyore. There was a huge crowd round him cos obviously he's a very popular character, and I thought I was doing a pretty good job of sneaking up to the front :wink:.... But suddenly these two family groups (made up of two mothers and four kids who would have been aged between about 11 and 13) pushed RIGHT in front of me, practically knocked me over, and didn't even say sorry!  :x It's like they think that if they're with someone who's under 18, they have more right to a photo!



I am glad I am not the only one who finds this annoying!
Luv Aveen xoxo


We had such a bad experience with a family with their kids in 1999 at christmas season. We wait there for about two hours to see the Electrical LIght Parade, because the parc was overcrowded, so we must stay there for 2 hours to get a good place  for filming and photos taking.

5 Minutes before the parade started a family with their kids came and take themselves and their children right in front of us. Ween we say hey you we are wait here for 2 hours, if you wish your childs have a good place to see the parade, you have to wait two hours too, like us. They started loughing and means that´s your problem wehn you wait so long.

So we go to a Castmember and told him sthe story, he has see this scene too. He takes the people back in the last row and say to them. You´re not doing right, you habe to wait like the other people too :-)



Once or twice on our trip last year, some rude families tried pushing in front by 'encouraging' their kids to get in front of us for rides etc and then pushing through to join them. Luckily I can cross the language barrier when it comes to getting my way  :wink:

I'm sure the time will come when I feel I'm too old for DLRP, but at 26 I'm going again (4th time) this summer.


I've also had this problem. When I go to DLRP it's for at chance to have fun and be a little playful. I'm 24 and I've been going to DLRP since I was a kid and I feel that I have just as much right to see the parade, to get a seat at a restaurant, to meet characters and get on attractions as kids and their parents. Last christmas I was looking for a table at Bella Notte. The place was crowded so I had to stand and wait for people to leave. Then finally a table cleared and I put down my tray of food. In just one second the table was stolen from me by a family with their kids. They had just entered the place and hadn't been waiting at all. The just took all the chairs, looked at me and said "Sorry!" with a little evil smile. I got so angry but I couldn't do anything but wait for another table. I learned my lesson and for the rest of our trip I was a cutthroat table snatcher. Stuff like that also happend at parades and rides etc. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's a little annoyed by it.

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Quote from: "Simba"I've also had this problem. When I go to DLRP it's for at chance to have fun and be a little playful. I'm 24 and I've been going to DLRP since I was a kid and I feel that I have just as much right to see the parade, to get a seat at a restaurant, to meet characters and get on attractions as kids and their parents. Last christmas I was looking for a table at Bella Notte. The place was crowded so I had to stand and wait for people to leave. Then finally a table cleared and I put down my tray of food. In just one second the table was stolen from me by a family with their kids. They had just entered the place and hadn't been waiting at all. The just took all the chairs, looked at me and said "Sorry!" with a little evil smile. I got so angry but I couldn't do anything but wait for another table. I learned my lesson and for the rest of our trip I was a cutthroat table snatcher. Stuff like that also happend at parades and rides etc. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's a little annoyed by it.

Hi Simba,

that is so rude, I am also really glad to hear i am not the only one who gets maddened by this. I thought perhaps I was being a little unfair as there is children involved. I am 21 and have always been a huge Disney Fan and just as you say, I feel i should have as much right to see parades, get on rides and meet characters as children...infact sometimes I think I have more right because of the fact i have paid to be there and they may not have if they are under 7!I don't want to make out that every family with children is like this but it's something that really annoys me too. Thanks everyone for answering this question.

Luv Aveen xxx
Luv Aveen xoxo


You're definitely not the only one. I also tend to be a little careful how I react 'cause children are children, but they can be sneaky little bastards as well. For instance when we were going on Space Mountain three young boys sneeked all the way to the fastpass entrance and skipped the entire line and we had been waiting for an hour and were only halfway. And some parents seem to think that they own the park and the characters becauce of their kids. I also remember when I was there with my family when I was about 12. I had to stand and hold my baby cousin's stroller while he and his mom got to meet all the characters. And this is my own flesh and blood! She thought I was too old to meet them so I could just stand at the curb with all our bags and stuff while they got to meet everyone and get autographs (and she was actually the one who wanted to meet that characters the most, not my cousin). I was so sad so my mom got angry and made my aunt hold the stroller herself! HA! :D

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Quote from: "Simba"You're definitely not the only one. I also tend to be a little careful how I react 'cause children are children, but they can be sneaky little bastards as well. For instance when we were going on Space Mountain three young boys sneeked all the way to the fastpass entrance and skipped the entire line and we had been waiting for an hour and were only halfway. And some parents seem to think that they own the park and the characters becauce of their kids. I also remember when I was there with my family when I was about 12. I had to stand and hold my baby cousin's stroller while he and his mom got to meet all the characters. And this is my own flesh and blood! She thought I was too old to meet them so I could just stand at the curb with all our bags and stuff while they got to meet everyone and get autographs (and she was actually the one who wanted to meet that characters the most, not my cousin). I was so sad so my mom got angry and made my aunt hold the stroller herself! HA! :D

aw that was really unfair but I'm glad your mum put her right!! I hate the pushing and shoving there is about meeting characters. I'm going next week and the thought of that alone is making me feel really tense!! Silly I know. I have no shame in saying I love meeting the characters, I just hate how you have to struggle to do's like survival of the fittest of something! HA  :P

Aveen x
Luv Aveen xoxo


Quoteaw that was really unfair but I'm glad your mum put her right!! I hate the pushing and shoving there is about meeting characters. I'm going next week and the thought of that alone is making me feel really tense!! Silly I know. I have no shame in saying I love meeting the characters, I just hate how you have to struggle to do's like survival of the fittest of something! HA  :P

Aveen x

You're right about that. I just realised that on my last two trips I haven't met any characters at all 'cause I just couldn't deal with the stress of having to deal with kids and their parents. Besides, don't characters usually take pics with kids first? I mean, would they really start posing for a picture with me if there was a little girl or boy waiting?

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I find some of the characters seem to definately favour children first and hardly look at the adult who is also standing waiting for a photo. Chip and Dale totally ignored me and I stood for ages! :x However some characters look really pleased to see an adult wanting a photo and are really good about it. I find myself having to shove myself in to get a photo because if you stand back and be polite which i used to do, people just push you back and you never get anything. It's a horrible way to be and i would nearly cue for an hour than fight sometimes!!
Luv Aveen xoxo


it annoys me too but im very laid back, i tend to stand still but most of time i volenter my place or whatever if they dont look pushy :D, i remember last year during the OUADP i was using my camera and was after a good posisiton so i said too the british lady next too me with 2 children "Do you want to stand this side of me so i dont get in your childrens way or anything ?".

This is the sort of thing that should be happening not "my child is more important"
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


try a character meal!!! they will come to every table, and always spend a decent amount of time with each group! we were really surprised when me and my bf had a character meal at the lucky nugget on our last day, we got autographs, videos and photos, we even got Mickey AND Minnie!!!!
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


Quote from: "Nicholas-c"This is the sort of thing that should be happening not "my child is more important"

I totally agree with you on that!! =D>  =D>

Aveen x
Luv Aveen xoxo